Last Week #35

Well last week was a complete write off. Thank to not been well I only left the house 2 days out of 7. During the weekend though things seemed to pick up, I managed to get started on the little room with the help of my parents, actually hang some washing out and get jobs around the house done. It is nice to see we have finally started on the final house in the room for a while and honestly I don't think it will be long until it is complete. So here is what I had...

Been Watching: I have spent all my time off getting caught up on YouTube and have been loving it. I also finished The People vs OJ Simpson and what a brilliant show that is. The best thing I watched all week though was Man City women beating Arsenal in the Continental cup final.

Been reading : I have spent plenty of time doing nothing and I really should have tried getting some reading done in this time.

Been listening to : Ariana Grande has once again been on repeat.

Bought : With me barely leaving the house during the week I spent nothing which I am actually quite proud of.

Plans for this week : I want to get some plans in place for a new series I want to start on the blog. I have physio again which I am hoping could be my last appointment. I also want to try get some plans together for our garden so we can start getting prices together for getting it done. Hopefully I get a few gym sessions in too and keep up with the minimal spending. Fingers crossed I can get back on track with my blogging too as I missed it last week.

Last weeks posts : Last Week #34

So there you have it that was my week. What have you guys been up to?

See you soon

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