Weight Loss #3

Well thanks to being ill I totally forgot to post last week which meant I forgot to document the fact in fact gained weight. I was gutted I gained the weight as I had been doing so well which made me more determined last week to lose again. That is what I did, I am now back to my start weight but honestly I don't know how I managed it. When I am ill all I do is eat junk and lay around, we have both had no motivation the past week and it has shown overall but it definitely hasn't shown on the scales.

I honestly think I am more upset that I didn't get any exercise done last week just down to the pain, so I am hoping that I can change this during this week. I am just determined to try and keep on track, I have a few rewards in place now to keep me motivated so fingers crossed I can stick to it and get the rewards out of it. 

So my Aims for the week ahead are:

Make fresh food at least 6 times this week
Cut down on junk food
Drink plenty of water
Exercise at least once this week (if pain disappears)
Cut back on the fizzy drinks

Start weight : 15st 13 3/4 lb
Weight Last Week : 16st 1 1/4 lb
Current weight : 15st 13 3/4 Lb

Difference - 1 1/2 lb

I am pretty proud how I managed to lose weight even though I was ill and I am really hoping to keep up with this and lose more this week.

See you soon,

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