February 2021 Favourites

Well that is February over and done with and the month seems to have flown by. It has been another month in lockdown but there seems to be a little bit of hope on the horizon here in the UK, so let's just hope things stay on track and we have a bit more freedom soon. February seems to have been another month of both old and new favourites and here are what they are... 


Football Shirts

I spent a lot of February not only wearing football shirts but also buying them. I have bought quite a few new ones to add into my collection which are some I have wanted a long time and some surprise additions. I have also noticed that when I am getting ready I tend to just pick out a football shirt to wear as it is comfier for when I am just lounging around. 


Creating a routine

With the uncertainty around everything still I have tried in February to create a bit more of a routine to stick to so that as I start to go back to work etc I aren't thrown out of sync and can get back to normality that bit easier. This has definitely helped me throughout the month as I feel like I have become more productive and got a lot more done than I have in the past few month. 



This is a bit of a strange on as I haven't actually been able to go out and spend time in the garden but it is on my favourites as we have started planning what to do with it to finish it and have it perfect for the warmer weather. It has also been really nice just to look outside and see such a nice space instead of the mess we had last year. I can't wait to spend probably far too much time in the garden in the summer as it is really starting to come together. 

Health & fitness

Seeing a difference in clothing fit

The scales might not have moved much throughout February but I am definitely seeing a difference with how my clothing is fitting me which is definitely one of my favourite things but it definitely won't be my bank accounts favourite at this rate as I am going to need a lot more clothing soon. It is just such a good feeling after not seeing the scales move, looking in the mirror and seeing clothing fitting much better it just gives you a bit more of a confidence boost and reminds me the hard work is starting to pay off. 

So there you have it those are my favourites from February What are your favourites from February 2021?

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