I am starting to realise my style really doesn't need to change.


I have said far too many times over the past few years that my style was changing however, looking back now I have realised that my style really didn't need to change, the way it was showed the real me off perfectly and I didn't need to change for any reason at all. I honestly feel like I fell into a bit of a social media trap, yes other creators were inspiring me and yes I loved seeing everyone's seasonal essential posts however, I didn't need to follow the crowd and follow me as there was nothing wrong with what I currently had. Plus the need of a full wardrobe overhaul after every YouTube video watched or after every Instagram scroll left me confused and honestly wondering why I felt like I needed this when there was nothing wrong with what I already had. 

A full wardrobe overhaul into those outfits I had seen on social media would have been no good for me at all as I have realised so far this year that my style totally depends on my mood either weekly or daily. I can plan outfits out and be completely satisfied or I can just get up and pick out a new outfit every day again it all just depends on the mood I am in. Some days I can wake up and want to wear a smart looking outfit that takes a bit more time to put together but makes me feel smarter than usual where as someday's I prefer to go for more of a street wear style with things like cargo's and printed t-shirts but in all honesty most days if it is warm or I am just lounging around there is nothing like a good fitting football shirt and a pair of shorts. 

Learning more about myself these past few months I have realised that if I just got a wardrobe full of outfits that fit one style I would very quickly fall out of love with it and really start to hate get me down. I have tried sticking to just one sort of style for a small period of time this year just to give it a go but I soon realised that trying to settle on one style started to get me down and really put me in a tough place mentally as I absolutely hated getting ready every morning during this time. I also learnt in this time frame that I really need to stop comparing myself to others, yes some people can stick to one style but that just isn't for me and it is going to have a bad effect mentally if I continue doing this. I have never really fit the mould as such so I need to stop looking at others and kidding myself that I do. 

All this got me thinking about when the time comes to start rebuilding my wardrobe properly as I come to the end of my fitness and weight loss journey, which granted won't be for a while yet but it doesn't hurt thinking about it already does it? As I rebuild I will 100% not be sticking to just the one style, instead I will be making sure I am adding what I like rather than going for that one style, at least this way I can have the variety for whatever mood I am in rather than soon hating everything I purchase. I already though that there will be some street wear style items involved and also some smarter items but something I really want to add is possibly some alternative style items, these are something I used to have and love and I have a few outfits I want to create but only when I can justify buying new items once more.

I want to take the wardrobe rebuild as an opportunity to create a wardrobe I absolutely love and full of items I can piece together outfits with ease that fit the moods I am in perfectly. I want a selection of smarter clothes for when I fancy being a bit more dressed up for work or shopping trips. I also want more relaxed items for the more casual days where I just want the ultimate comfort or just dressing more casually to separate work and day to day life if I really want to which is something I am really hoping to start doing more often. A work and day to day wardrobe would be brilliant.  

Slowly but surely I am learning out more and more about myself and one of those big things is that I don't just need one style I can have multiple, just because someone on Instagram has one style it doesn't mean I need to. As for listening to others opinions about how I dress I just need to ignore those people and begin to realise that it is up to me with what I add to my wardrobe and wear as long as I am happy and comfortable that is really all that matters.

There is definitely going to be a long wait until the full wardrobe rebuild however, it is now time to start planning what items I really want to add when it comes to the rebuild but I guess I can start adding a few bits when I really need to restock some items in the wardrobe. I actually have a few items in mind that I really want to add so keep eye on here and Instagram to see what items I do end up picking up.

Operation just being me is well and truly underway and I am looking forward to seeing how it plays out.

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