How I got on with my September goals...

Well somehow that is September over and done with already, yet another month that has absolutely flown by in the blink of an eye. It has been a fun month though with the return of my football season, my birthday and plenty of other little bits happening however, it is also the calm before the storm really as it was a much more relaxed month than what I am expecting October to be, the new month is going to be chaos so I am pretty grateful for September being a bit calmer. Back at the start of September I set myself some goals and here is how they went...


No buying new clothes

Well I guess I failed this one as I picked up a few new pieces however, I did manage to stick to only buying the items I had my eye on for a while rather than buying clothing for the sake of it like I used to. I have had a fair few shopping trips where I could have given into temptation with this one but I managed to reign myself in for a change which I am pretty proud of.

Buy new trainers to replace my Air Force

This one is kind of done but kind of not I guess. I did buy a new pair of sneakers but they aren't the all white pair I wanted to replace the Air Force with so I guess I am still on the look out for a replacement for those. It is just so hard at the moment to find a white pair that is going to go with the style I am aiming for without breaking the bank.

Declutter the wardrobe 

Oh look yet another month where this goal hasn't been ticked off. I just haven't had the chance to get around to doing this yet but I have started doing little bits as I put the washing away which I guess is better than nothing at all. There is still a long way to go until this is done though but I know it really needs sorting as I am sick of not being able to find items or items not fitting me properly.

Plan weekly outfits and stick to them

I had high hopes of doing this one and making it so much easier to get ready on a morning but the lack of time on a Sunday and the lack of time to get through the washing has meant that organising outfits hasn't been as straight forward as I hoped and I am still just throwing on any random combination. I am determined to get through all the washing ASAP though so fingers crossed I can start on this soon.

Plan my Autumn wardrobe

Oh look something I can actually say I have done in September. I have made a list of things I need to add to make my perfect autumn wardrobe and I am slowly but surely adding those pieces into my home. It is nice knowing I am only bringing in the items I am going to wear for a change.


Save half of any birthday money I receive

I am proud of this one as I haven't spent a single penny from my birthday money. I have put the full £100 I received into my goal shop envelope so that when I finally hit my goal weight I can go out on a big shopping trip. I knew I didn't desperately need anything with this money so it is nice to know it is going towards items I am working hard towards.

Make 5 sales from my new project

Unfortunately things didn't go to plan with this one and I actually never got the project started. I am determined that October is going to be launch month though so let's see how things go with that this time around. I also need to pick up some envelopes and other packing bits before I can really get started.

Stick to a skincare routine

I had high hopes of doing this one but unfortunately things didn't go to plan and I never really stuck to looking after my skin and you can tell. Now the colder weather is rolling in I think it is really time I knuckled down on this one as my skin definitely needs some TLC.

Complete two jobs off my home to do list

Time just wasn't on my side with this one and neither was the weather so unfortunately I didn't get around to any of those jobs I really wanted to get done. The house is really starting to get me down now though so I am really hoping I can get on top of everything soon and start putting money to one side to get those big jobs complete once and for all.

10 no spend days

Oh look another goal that didn't happen. I spend a lot more than expected in September as I fell back into the habit of buying items for the sake of it. I am 100% determined to reign it in over October though as if I want those jobs around the house doing I need to get those savings increased so the wasteful spending needs to stop.


Go boxing 4 times

I only managed to go to boxing once during September but in all honesty it is much better than I expected as I didn't think I was going to get there at all for various reasons. I did enjoy the session I went to so I really need to get back into the habit of going more often again.

Football training every Monday

I believe there was just the one session I missed in September and I only missed that because Liam's car was in the garage. I am enjoying being back kicking the ball around though and fingers crossed I can keep up with attending the session and see that fitness level increase due to it.

Lose 4lbs

On the final weigh in of the month I was exactly 4lbs down so I am happy to be able to report that I have finally managed to lose my goal weight for the month after a difficult few months of trying to shift the weight. I am really hoping that this is just the start of seeing the scales decrease again at long last.

Sort workout clothes

I will get around to finally sorting through all my workout clothes at some point but as for September it didn't happen. Time just seriously ran away from me in the month and I never got around to sorting out the workout clothes so fingers crossed I can finally get around to clearing the clothes out before the end of the year.

Sort out the football box

Again time got away from me with this one and my football box is half done. I need to restock it with my training wear and some new energy gels as I think my others are past their used by date. Once I get this set up it is going to make game day and training days so much easier.


Post across all Instagram accounts 20 times

This one was a massive fail and I am a bit frustrated with that as I know I could have done so much better with it. I just kept forgetting to schedule posts or create the content in the first place however, I have a plan in place for a much better October in terms of posting.

Post more frequently on Facebook accounts

Again I didn't manage to get this one done however, I am much more organised to try increase the amount I use my websites Facebook pages in October. I know that with some things I am working on Facebook could be very beneficial to increase my profile so it is about time I got using it more often.

Sort the tech bag out

I am quite proud of myself as I actually managed to get this one done. I now have a home for all my little pieces of tech so fingers crossed it means no more missing wires or memory cards. Having this tech bag nice and tidy is making creating content much easier as for once I know where everything is.

Make 3 new template designs

Oh look two goals in row that I managed to complete and let's just say I shocked myself with this one but the motivation was there one day and I have flown through designing different templates for my various social media accounts. I have everything there ready to go now and don't need to crate anymore for a while.

Resign TNG Media

3 in a row now this must be a record. I have fully redesigned the TNG Media logo and even made plans for a website design when the time is right too. I am glad I managed to do this as I felt stuck with the brand and wanted to reignite my love for it before taking things to the next level which is the plan for October and beyond. I am in love with how the redesign looks.

So there you have it that is how September went goals wise. Check back tomorrow to see what Octobers goals are going to be, let's just say it will be a busy but productive month if all goes to plan.

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