January 2024 Goal Wrap Up

Well that is January done and dusted, you will see in this post that a fair few of the goals I set for myself in January didn't go quite as expected. This hasn't stopped it from being a good month though and I feel more accomplished than I did in the whole of 2023 and I am hoping that keeps moving in that direction. So here is how January's goals went...


Declutter the wardrobe

The wardrobe has been emptied ready for the bedroom work being started however, I have only partially decluttered the wardrobe as the shear amount of clothes I own was a bit overwhelming. I am slowly but surely working through this and it will be done before putting everything back into the new wardrobe as the space will be drastically reduced.

Reduce the amount of clothes I buy in the sales

I 100% managed this as in previous years I would have gone well overboard in the January sales and would have pushed my wardrobe to breaking point with new additions however, this time around as you will see in my new in post I managed to limit the amount I bought and clothing wise I only made a few purchases. I have to admit that I am quite proud of myself for managing this one.

Sort out all the footwear I own

Unfortunately time got away from me with this one and I didn't get around to it. Plus with all the work being done in the house it is actually hard to get to my shoes at the moment so that was also a factor stopping this goal from happening. I do have a lot of pairs in mind that I will be getting rid of so when I do get around to doing it the task should be pretty simple.

Smarten up my outfit choices

Well this one really hasn't gone to plan and it is once again due to the bedroom work starting. Due to the plasterer pushing the date forward a lot of things changed and in the end we have just piled all the clothes sky high in the games room and it is a struggle to find pieces. This will definitely take place when the wardrobe has been put back together again which I am hoping is sooner rather than later.

Mix up the footwear I wear

Oh look another one that I struggled with thanks to the house been such a mess. I had every intention of wearing plenty of other pairs however, they ended up behind a wall of mess from the bedroom work so I didn't get around to wearing them. I definitely need to start changing it up now though as the Forums are starting to look worse for wear.


Make a good start on the bedroom decorating

This one has been well and truly smashed as we now have an empty shell of a room ready for the plasterer coming at the start of February. This has definitely been a lot of hard work but it is all going to be worth it in the end when the room is finally done.

One long walk a week

We started off well on this one with the first two weeks having nice long walks included. However, as the month progressed other things changed and things ended up constantly being rearranged. I really want to get back into these though as it was great just to have some time exploring with Liam and the dog.

Keep on top of the washing

Again this is another one that started so well but then dropped right off. To be honest this is again due to the bedroom work. You currently can't move in the games room due to the amount of clothes so it has been hard to keep adding to it as time has gone on. There is a big plan towards the start of February to get all this done though so I have everything ready to go when the new wardrobe is built, although a lot won't be going back in.

Cut back on the shopping trips

I think in January I went shopping a grand total of twice which is a huge win as I didn't go overboard with buying on either of these trips. I basically just got what I needed and moved along, something which I don't usually tend to do. I am loving these reduced trips though and I am hoping something similar happens in February.

Kick off the years savings in a good way

This is another goal I am happy to say I have achieved especially when it comes to the home savings, I have managed to save more than enough to get the bedroom done which includes all the accessories too which I am super proud of plus I have managed to not dip into the savings throughout the month like I normally would. 


Go to the gym 3 times a week

Again due to last minute changes this didn't happen however, I did finally take the step to get back in the gym and I have been a few times now in January. I am actually finding it a little easier than I thought I would to get back into the environment and thanks to having a gym buddy when I do go I am pushing myself.

Weight lifting 3 times

Unfortunately this one didn't go to plan either due to classes either not being on or me being ill. I am really looking forward to getting back to these classes now though so keep an eye on social media to see how many sessions I smash in February. 

Stick to my Gymshark 66 for the first month

This is the longest I have ever stuck to the Gymshark 66 and I think it is because I made the habits a lot more realistic this time around. I am nearly done with course number 1 on Open University as part of my starting something new, I am also sticking to my calories really well and moving my body a whole lot more.

Build a sustainable morning routine

Now this goal was always going to be a work in progress however, I am slowly but surely starting to get my new routine together. It will be even better when the house is put back together but for now I am happy with how things are going. 

Reduce the amount of times I eat out or order takeaways

This one was massively reduced and multiple takeaways a week turned into 1 throughout the month. I did eat out a fair few times though but again this was massively reduced from previous months. I am quite pleased with how this went and with a few events in February coming up I am hopeful that I wont add on any extra eating out days.  


Post daily to the TNG Instagram account

I started well with this one but then I just forgot to keep posting and the consistency really dropped off and after 2 weeks we were lucky if I was still posting at all. I definitely fell of pace with this and I am a bit disappointed with this as I had big plans but one bad month doesn't rule out the year.

Be at least one week ahead on all 3 websites

I have been really good with this one from this website however, with the gaming and football ones it has been terrible and I have still barely posted on them which is definitely not how I wanted January to go. I am definitely planning on being on track with this one in February though as it is time to take those big plans and put them into action.

Post 3 times a week on the Edge of the Area Instagram

I think I posted once on here and then forgot about it which again I am disappointed in myself for as those big plans I had in place have now been pushed back a month. I need to be a lot more organised in February though as I want to make sure I am hitting this target.

Post on Tik Tok twice a week

Oh look another content one failed as I managed to post a grand total of once on the TNG Tik Tok account. I only got 2 videos filmed and 1 posted in the end the other is currently sat in the edits waiting to be finished off. This is definitely going to be a focus for February though.

Have February's content mapped out

Finally a content goal that has been accomplished. I have all the post ideas ready to go for all the websites and Instagram accounts and I have made notes or starting sorting images for them ready to go. I am looking forward to seeing what February has in store for the sites and social media. 

January was a really good month even though I didn't manage to hit all the goals in this post. I am pleased with the progress I have made in the first month of the year. I am slowly starting to learn you don't need to tick everything off to have a good month even a few is better than nothing. Now it is time to start thinking of February's goals so keep an eye out for a post full of those soon and let's see how the shortest month of the year plays out...

Did you hit all your goals for January? 

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