My 2025 fitness goals


It is safe to say I fell off track big time in my fitness and weight loss journey throughout 2024 for a variety of reason but that is it now I have drawn the line and I am starting from scratch in 2025. The journey is going to be my biggest focus for the year and the steps to help me make progress are going to become my biggest priority in day to day life. I am setting some pretty big but realistic goals for the course of the year and I will be breaking each goal down into little goals over the next 12 months in hopes of making them even more achievable. As I say these goals are going to be a main focus so there is going to be a big push to tick all these goals off by the 31st of December, when I will be doing a wrap up to see just how much progress has been made and I am hoping there will be plenty of it. I have plenty of plans to help keep me on track and working towards these goals too so keep an eye out on here and socials to see those. So here are my fitness and weight loss journey related goals for 2025...

Weight & Measurements

I will obviously be checking the scales in 2025 but these won't be the only goals I set for myself as I will be making sure I am checking my measurements throughout the next 12 months too. So here are my weight and measurement goals...

Lose 4 stone

I feel like if things go to plan I can definitely achieve this over the 12 month period. This will also give me a big push towards my final goal too. This is the overall weight loss goal for 2025 however, to make it a bit more achievable I am going to try break it down to so much each month to help me towards the overall goal. It does seem like a lot but the focus is there so we are really going to push for it.

Lose 15 cm off my waist 

My waist is one of the areas I really wan to see a change in over the next 12 months and I am really hoping with the changes I make throughout the year will see 15 cm drop off my waist. To be honest I think I could see more drop off however, this is the target I am setting myself for December as for now it feels more realistic. If I hit it though I might have a look at increasing it a bit further but for now 15 cm's will do. 

Lose 20 cm off my hips

Just like the waist I am hoping I really see a change on my hips too as this is an area I really don't like. The goal is to see a 20 cm drop on my hips which I feel will make a massive difference going forward and may help me feel a bit more confident overall. I think 20 cm is a realistic target just like the 15 for the waist but if things go well we may re-evaluate and maybe up the goal.

Fit into size 14 clothing

So I currently have some size 14 tops for something I am doing in June so I am setting myself a goal of fitting in size 14 clothing by then and I am hoping I can fit into the comfortably. This could be a big challenge but if I really do apply to the focus and stick to the daily habits I am incorporating into my life going forward I can hopefully achieve this, if not by June but by the end of the year. I guess only time will tell if I can hit this or not.

Hit a low weight by June

By June I really want to be at my lowest weight in far too many years. The current lowest in the past few years is 14 stone 10 lb's so if I can get under this by June I will be more than happy with the progress being made. This would also mean I am on track for hitting the 4 stone in a year as it would be putting me on a good path of weight loss. If I put everything into practice I am hopeful I can see below this number sooner rather than later.

Keep up on taking progress pictures

I used to be so good at taking progress pictures but then just couldn't be bothered so it is a long time since I have done this. The goal though is to have a set of pictures each month so I can see the progress being made. The plan is to take front, side and back pictures at the end of each month and then use them to see what is working and what isn't plus it helps me to visualize any progress even if the scales aren't showing any due to muscle growth.

Food / Overall nutrition

Now I am setting myself a fair few food related goals for the year as this is an area that needs to drastically change. If I start to nail the food and nutrition side of things then add in the workouts I should see a whole host of progress. So here are my food and nutrition goals for the year...

Meal Prep Weekly

Lunchtimes are a big downfall for me and I eat junk for the sake of it so the plan is to kick this habit and start a new one of meal prepping weekly. The goal is to take my lunch to work daily to not only save money but help keep me on track with my goals as I can make a nice healthy meal that helps with my nutritional goals. I will blocking some time out each Sunday and possibly Wednesday to make sure I am fully prepped for the week ahead.

Vitamins and supplements daily

For the course of the year I am going to be making sure that I am taking all my vitamins and supplements daily to really gain the benefits of them. I take various supplements but have always forgot to take them for periods of time so I haven't got the full benefit just yet. That will be changing in 2025 though as the goal is to take them every morning / evening to help with my journey.

Reduce the amount of takeaways we have and the eating out we do

The amount of takeaways we have had in 2024 is ridiculous so we are going to aim to drastically reduce these over the next 12 months whilst also cutting back on eating out in general as I know by repeatedly doing this I will be slowing down my progress over time. Granted we will still have the odd few takeaways and meals out but these are going to be limited monthly.

Reduce the amount of alcohol consumed

Now I won't be going cold turkey like I have in previous years, the plan for 2025 is to just cut back on the amount I have to help me along with my goals. The odd drink here and there won't push me off track so I just need to make sure I am keeping on top of other habits if I am planning on having a few drinks.

Add more fruit and veg into my diet

My diet massively lacks fruit and vegetables so going forward I am going to be making sure I have some form of fruit or veg with every meal I have and maybe add bits in for snacks too. The benefits of doing this should be absolutely huge when mixed with other areas I am working on so fingers crossed I can get the goal of increasing the amounts I eat over the next 12 months.

Other goals

There are plenty of other goals I am hoping to tick off throughout 2025 too and a lot of those are going to be training related in various ways so the other goals are...

Train and play football as much as possible

I spent the back end of 2025 out injured but now I am back and ready to crack on with playing football. The plan for 2025 is to attend all training sessions possible, although City have a few Tuesday games coming up and I have a trip away planned so those will be missed sessions. I also want to participate in as many games as possible too but again this will be dependent on me training and being fit. Football is a massive help with my journey so I really need to be at as many sessions as possible.

Go back to boxing and attend as many sessions as possible

I absolutely loved my boxing sessions on a Wednesday but other priorities too over in 2024. The plan for 2025 is to fully commit to the sessions again and attend as many Wednesday's as I can throughout the year. I am hoping that the only sessions I miss are from pre-scheduled events, injury (hopefully this doesn't happen) or trips away we have booked. I know I will see a whole lot of progress if I stick to these sessions as they were a big help for me previously.

Complete the couch to 5K

I am determined that this one is going to be ticked off nice and early in the year. For one of my big goals running wise I definitely need to this one to be done nice and early in the year. I am still struggling with my running at the moment and I think completing this is definitely going to be a huge help so it is time to push on and get it complete.

Complete the Leeds 10K 

June will see me take on the Leeds 10K to raise money for Darby Rimmer MND Foundation. I am determined to get around the course in a decent time and raise a good amount for the charity. With me struggling to run I am hoping that by following all the other steps to achieve others goals I will be improving my running over time so that when June rolls around I am ready to smash it.

Run 5K in under 40 minutes

By the end of 2025 I am hoping that all my training will lead me to massively reducing my 5K time. The goal for the end of the year is to be able to run the distance in under 40 minutes which with my current running ability is going to be a big ask however, I know that by putting other areas to work I can work towards dropping my time running too. I can't wait to see if I can manage to tick this one off and how many months it could take.

2 gym sessions a week

I now finally have most of what I need in the home gym although some weight upgrades are definitely required. The goal is to do at least 2 sessions a week in the home gym to work on my strength and conditioning. It has been neglected in recent months and I know just how beneficial 2 sessions would be as a minimum so it is time to get in there and get working towards my goals.

Make sure I am recovering properly

There is noway I want to be injured like I was towards the end of 2024 so a goal is to make sure I am recovering properly whether that is by having down time and listening to my body or adding a few stretching sessions into my weekly routine. I will also be bringing back the massage gun and ice bath into rotation to help keep the muscles working properly. No doubt there will be plenty of ice baths as I love these.

Have 4 sports massages over the course of the year

I am determined to look after myself as much as possible and I know just how good I have felt after previous sports massages so the plan going forward is to book in 4 of these over the course of the next 12 months. One every few months should really help me keep in good shape to work towards my other goals and keep me moving properly.

So there you have it those and my fitness and weight loss related goals for 2025. If I manage to tick all of these off it would be absolutely amazing and prove that real progress is finally being made. I even have Liam fully on board with the journey too so things should definitely end up moving in the right direction. 2025 is definitely all about working on my health and fitness and I am really looking forward to seeing just how everything plays out.

Now it is time to find a way of tracking the progress of all these and I am sure there will be plenty of updates coming on here and social media over the next 12 months.

See you soon


The focus is shifting in 2025

I keep on saying it but I am really not happy with how 2024 went and I am determined to turn my fortunes around and make 2025 the best year yet. 2025 is going to be the year where I elevate my life as I have only dreamed of doing up to now and really make certain aspects of my life a bigger priority of others to not only help me elevate my life but also to improve both mentally and physically. 2025 is going to be the year where I finally turn my life around and start living the life I want once and for all. 

There are plenty of plans in place to help me do this and I took a bit of time at the end of 2024 to sit down and work on these plans to set the wheels in motion going into the new year. 

One thing I have done is sit down and make a list of goals I really want to achieve throughout the year and then write down under each goals ways I can achieve them and basically broke them into mini goals in a way of seeing just what would lead me to achieve that big overall goal. I feel like working towards the mini goals will help me as that big goal wouldn't look too scary in the grand scheme of things. I can then revert back to this list throughout the year and reflect on what is working and tick off those mini goals that have been hit and hopefully seeing the small progress will help with the overall motivation and determination of the year.

I have also sat down and made a proper vision board this year which clearly reflects my goals and what I am working towards. For 2024 I just had a vision board as my Macbook background this time around though I have had some fun and I have done a printed version which is up in my home office so I can look at what I am working towards daily, it is my Macbook background again too just so I am doubly sure of what I am wanting to achieve. This vision board was great to make and printing what I am wanting to achieve has honestly really helped cement just what I want out of the year and I think it has spurred on a bit more motivation when it comes towards what I am working towards.

The bullet journal is also back for 2025 as an added organisational and tracking tool. In here I have set it up to have monthly and weekly overviews of plans and also monthly habit trackers so I know I am hitting the steps to achieve my goals. There is an overview of what I want to achieve throughout the year and it focuses more on the overall life and fitness side of the year and I am hoping that viewing this will help me see what is working and what needs altering. Keep an eye out as I will be doing a post soon on the whole set up and what I have included to help me work towards my goals. 

Overall though the plan for 2025 is to just be 1% better every day as I know this is going the be the most beneficial way to tick off those goals and really make progress to elevate my life and achieve what I am setting out to achieve over the course of the year.

It isn't just about the planning of the year though as to make it the best I know that I need to make certain aspects of my life priorities to achieve the goals I have set for myself and achieve that elevated life. So here are the things that are going to become my biggest priorities throughout 2025...

Possibly the biggest priority this year is going to be my weight loss journey. As you will see tomorrow I have a lot of weight loss and fitness related goals I want to achieve as I am sick of seeing myself in the mirror and not liking what is looking back at me. By making the journey my biggest priority I should see the weight drop and my shape change so I finally become happy in my body and see my confidence grow which will help other aspects of my life be more elevated too which is the overall goal. This means that hitting my workouts and making better nutritional choices is going to be key throughout 2025 so let's see how that works out.

Self care is also going to be made a priority in 2025 as I want to make sure my health is taken care of both physically and mentally so that I can press on with my 2025 goals without being as ill as I was in 2024 and without hitting that burnout stage which was far too common in 2024 and saw me deviate from what I needed to do to hit them previous goals. It is time to put me first and make sure I have self care evenings scheduled in where I can switch off and relax and just take a much needed break to reset and recover. I will also be adding in recovery sessions post training with ice baths and stretching as this will just look after my body and after spending so much time ill and injured in 2024 so I am determined to turn that around in 2025.

Another priority for the year is to grow the blogs and by that I mean this one, the football one and finally the gaming one. The blogs got massively neglected in 2024 due to the burn out and lack of motivation but that is going to change in 2025 as I plan to bring them all back better than ever and with a few changes. I love blogging and it is about time I got back into it properly so it is becoming a priority where I book out time so many nights a week to work on content and hopefully grow the sites how I want to. 

Something else I really want to work on is TNG Media, this is just bubbling away in the background at the moment but this is something I really want to focus on and build throughout the year. My mum is involved in this with me and we have so many ideas of items we want to sell so it is going to be a year of creating and promoting which is something we haven't done much of. I also have other ways I want to grow other than selling physical products so I will be making working on these ideas a priority too.

Now this one is something that both me and Liam are planning on making a priority and this is building our savings. We really need to stop wasting money so we are going to prioritize adding to our savings rather than going out spending for the sake of it like we have been doing. There are so many jobs we want to get done around the house and the only way we can do them is by saving up so savings are going to be a big priority for us going throughout the year.

Finally I am going to be prioritising curating my perfect wardrobe. Again there will be more on this in a future post as the turn around is going to become a big priority throughout the course of the year however, this is going to be a slow and steady priority that is going to be going on in the background as the biggest turn around won't be happening until I hit my final weight goal and I know that won't happen for a while yet. Whilst I am working towards this though I am going to be trying to define my style and have a better relationship with clothing and the biggest thing is going to be stopping wasting money on clothing I am never going to wear as it doesn't fit the style I am working towards. I am looking forward to seeing how this goes over the course of the year.

I am really hoping that if I make these areas my top priorities throughout the year then my life will definitely be much better quality and be elevated and hopefully it will help me both physically but more importantly mentally too. 

2025 is the year of elevation and growth so let's see how it plays out over these next 12 months...

See you soon, 


January 2025 goals


Right here we go the first month of 2025 and the first opportunity to have a great month of working towards those overall goals, after how 2024 went I am determined to start 2025 the right way and get my mind in the right place to set myself up for a good year, or at least I am hoping a good January will set the tone for an overall great 2025 as I have big plans for the year and really want to hit the ground running. The focus of 2025 is reinventing myself to be the best version of me and hopefully these goals for January will help start that. So here are the goals for the first month of the year...


Do a full wardrobe overview to see what pieces are missing 

It seems like there is no better time to do this than the start of the year, a chance for a fresh start and a chance to identify what pieces are missing to curate that perfect style I am aiming for. My wardrobe is going to have a massive face lift over the course of the year (more on that another day) so if I start identifying those pieces I feel are missing now then over the course of the year I can keep an eye out for the perfect items. 

Plan my outfits out for the week every Sunday

Every Sunday I want to spend an hour or so just planning out my outfits for the week to speed up the mornings. This will be outfits for work, workouts and any other events I have in that week. I am hoping that this is a routine I can carry on throughout the whole of the year but use January to build up the habit. By doing this I will know exactly where everything is on the specific morning and I can get on with my routine rather than throwing on any old outfits and rushing out the door as I have spent so long rummaging through clothes.

Rotate the footwear I wear

This is a big one as I am really determined that 2025 will be a year of moving away from wearing sneakers every day. I want to use January to try out different pieces of footwear I have picked up and then neglected and I know this will be beneficial as half the sneakers I own don't go with the style I am aiming for anymore. I am thinking 2025 will be the year I finally get plenty of wear out of my loafers and boots at long last.

Add accessories to all my outfits

I have found previously that when I have added accessories to my outfits I have felt a bit more confident and dressed up so that plan is to use January to build the habit of having a few accessories with each outfit. This could be some jewellery, glasses or even a watch that isn't my Apple one. Hopefully a solid month of doing this will help me for the rest of the year and I will stop neglecting my accessories.

Make a list of key pieces I want to purchase

Granted I know I am not going to be near my goal shop purchase list in 2025 unless I have a huge change on my fitness journey but I want to put bits in place to get me ready for this shop and just upgrading my wardrobe in general. Rather than spending for the sake of it I want to put money to one side to get pieces I really want and will work well with the style I am opting for. This list will be stored in my phone notes so I can refer to it whilst out and about to stop me just throwing money away for the sake of it. Keep an eye on the site though as I will be doing a full post around this topic in the future.


Lose 10lbs

I think this is going to be my biggest challenge on the goals list for the month but it is honestly the one that I am most determined to hit. If things fall into place in the month and I pushed myself I could end up hitting this goal. A 10 lb loss in month one of the year would be absolutely fantastic and I will be honest I am going to be trying to hit this goal the most.

Lose 2 cm's off my waist

Now if I hit a 10 lb loss for the month I should also see this goal being hit too but it is all going to rely on how other goals go I guess. My waist is an area I am hoping to see a real difference in over the course of the year and I think reminding myself of small drops is going to really help me keep the positive mindset for the journey.

Lose 1 cm off my hips

Just like with the waist I think adding small drops to my goals lists might help me keep that positive mindset going throughout the course of the year. As I get back into the swing of things I know the cm's will drop off however, it is going to take time so even 1 cm in the first month of the year is good enough for me although if things go to plan I am sure I will see more drop off.

Get back to football

Unfortunately due to injury I haven't stepped on the football pitch since September and have only trained once since then too. The plan though it to hit the ground running in January and get back into training every week possible then get back into games slowly in the middle of the month. The past month has been all about adding strength to the knee again so let's see how the return goes.

Get back to boxing

Finally I know just what my weeks are going to look like and I have kept my Wednesday evenings free to return to boxing. I know that getting back to this is really going to help me drop the weight again and make some progress on my fitness journey. With 2025 being the year of making my journey a priority these Wednesday nights are going to become a key part of my weeks and hopefully progress will soon start to follow.

Content & TNG Media work

Post on TNG Instagram 3 times a week

Consistency is going to be a big part of 2025 in all aspects of my life and this even relates to posting content on social media. I am relaunching my Instagram in 2025 and the plan is to post on there a minimum of 3 times a week, if I can post more than this then that will be great however, 3 times a week seems much more realistic at the moment. Let's hope this is ticked off by the end of the month. 

Post on here every Monday to Friday

Again this is another consistency related goal. The plan is to have a new post up every Monday to Friday on here with a nice mix of fashion and fitness content. I am hoping this keeps me to a routine that works all round and really helps with the growth aspect I am focusing on throughout the year but I guess only time will tell with this one.

Have all February's content planned for the blog

To help me keep on top of things I want to end January with February's content already planned for the blog. I want to have the titles, notes and images all sorted for all the ones I can and have plans in place for those that need to be written closer to the time. Again this should help with building a consistent routine and help me produce as much content as possible. 

Have all February's content planned for Instagram

Just like with the blog I am hoping to have all of February's Instagram content planned out by the end of January in the hopes it helps me posting those 3 times a month into February or possibly even posting more. I am really hoping the content ideas are flowing in January to get February all mapped out nice and early.

Restart my fitness Instagram page

It has been a while since I posted on my fitness page so the plan in January is to get posting on there consistently. With my journey being a big focus on 2025 I am determined to document all the steps I am taking to drop the weight and get fitter so let's hope this helps me be a lot more consistent when it comes to posting on that Instagram account.

So there you have it those are my goals for the first month of 2025. I am 100% determined to get all these ticked of the goals list as it will definitely be a great start to the year if I do but I guess only time will tell, even ticking half of these off will make the start of the year more productive than 2024 overall. 

Keep your eye on the site as over the next few days there will be more posts highlighting 2025 and what I want to achieve from it.

See you soon,
