2025 is going to be the year where I can look back come December and say 'yeah I definitely achieved a lot this year and smashed my goals' I am sure of it. I am trying to take the pressure off by not setting myself too many goals for a change and instead I have 5 goals in different categories that I want to focus on and improve on throughout the year. The plan as I have previously mentioned is to really elevate my life and have the best year yet so here are my goals for 2025...
I am determined to elevate my quality of life throughout 2025 and these goals should all really help me along with that and bring their own little benefits. So here are my lifestyle related goals for the year...
More long dog walks
I have been rubbish at going on long walks with the dog and tend to leave these to Liam to do. I want to spend more time outdoors in 2025 though and also spend more time going on adventures with both Liam and the dog so the addition of me going on the long walks with them would be fantastic. It will also help towards my fitness goals (those are to come in another post) which will be an added bonus. There are so many nice long walks we can do without travelling too far so there's really no excuse to not be doing this.
Plenty of self care evenings
2025 is the year where I am going to be avoiding burnout at all costs. 2024 was a write off and burn out stopped me doing so much and I am determined not to get to that stage again. I will be scheduling in plenty of self care evenings where I just fully switch off and take time for myself.
Enjoy more date nights with Liam
This goal is one I definitely want to get ticked off as I feel like we really need to spend a bit more time together. One plan is to go out for more meals and drinks together exploring some of the great places around us. I also want to do more things like theatre trips, bowling, mini golf just fun little activities where we can enjoy each others company. Date nights at home would be great too maybe themed food nights and games could be on the cards a few times a month.
Enjoy the house more
I really want to spend more time at home no matter what the weather as we pay for it so why not enjoy it. I can enjoy cosy days in the living room catching up on shows or YouTube, I can spend plenty of time in the games room getting through my massive backlog of games or I can spend time in my home office working on content and getting that room fully completed at last.
Spend more time in the garden
I think this is a big one for me as in all the time we have lived in this house we haven't really made the most of the garden and have gone out instead of enjoying what is right in front of us. Granted I feel like we need to complete the home goal I mention later on to fully enjoy the garden but with a new addition on it's way to the space there really is no need for us to go out to enjoy the weather. we can enjoy it from the comfort of our own garden space.
I have got quite a few financial goals for 2025 and they are quite important as if these don't get hit a lot of other goals will not be able to take place. So here are the financial goals I have set for myself in 2025...
Save for jobs doing around the house
There are big plans for the house in 2025 as after 7 years we are wanting to tackle some of the bigger & more expensive jobs around the house and we know we are going to need to save up a fair bit in order to make them a reality. We are confident that with the plan we have in place we can smash this goal and get all the jobs done that we are setting out to do in 2025.
Stop buying for the sake of buying
This is a pretty big goal for me and I am determined to smash it as it will mean I have really got on top of my relationship with money. At the moment I am starting to look around the house and really realise that some items really didn't need purchasing and I could have saved so much more money that I already have done which means jobs could have been done sooner. The goal for 2025 though is to stop buying for the sake of it and be more intentional with what I am buying. Every purchase has to have a purpose and be worth while now so let's see how this one plays out.
Save up for the big goal shop
I am still working away on my weight loss goals and I know that I am still along way off needing to go out and get a whole new wardrobe so whilst I am working towards the end goal weight I am going to keep on adding to my goal shop rewards pot. This has a good amount in at the moment but I am going to keep topping it up each month and stop dipping into it like I have been previously have. Currently the target is at having the savings at £2,500 by the end of the year so let's see if we can achieve this or go beyond it.
Save for my new gaming PC
I am spending a lot more time in the games room in 2025 if it goes to plan and I want to be able to get through my PC game library however, my current PC doesn't run any of them due to the specs so I am hoping to cut back on the spending and be able to save enough to get a whole new PC. Saving for this gives me time to decide if I want to buy a pre-built PC or if I want to go the route of building my own from scratch which is currently winning as it means more content for the gaming side of things.
Save up for some new tech
There are a fair few bits of tech I am wanting to save up for however, I won't go into this until later on in the post (content section). I am really going to have to save though if I am wanting to pick these up so the plan is to create a few saving trackers and keep add to these each month in the hopes of being able to pick up everything I have listed out as wanting to buy in 2025 alongside the gaming PC and doing jobs around the house.
Alongside the fitness journey the house is becoming a main priority for 2025 as we aim to get a whole host of rooms completed at long last although they are likely to cost a fair bit which is why saving is needed over the course of the next 12 months. So here are the home goals for 2025...
Get the hallway done
We are hoping to have the hallway complete within the first quarter of 2025 but I guess only time will tell as the costs are starting to add up due to us wanting cupboards and a boot room building in so alongside the plastering, paneling, decorating and flooring costs are starting to rack up. Let's hope we can get this wrapped up sooner rather than later though so we can move onto job number 2.
Get the living room done
Thew living room is next up once the hallway is done and let's just say this might seem like a small task but we want a new fireplace putting in so getting that installed and the chimney made safe we are looking at a big cost. Add on wanting a wooden mantle fitting and new flooring putting down the cost starts to rise so fingers crossed we can save enough to get this room ticked off to be transformed into the ultimate cozy room which is what we are aiming for before the autumn rolls around in 2025.
Get the dining room done
Finally the only other room we want to complete in 2025 is the dining room again, this could end up adding up in cost however, we want to do this on as much of a budget as possible. The plan though in here is to get a little bit of a bar set up with a wine fridge and add a dining table at long last as we have missed having one. I honestly think even though it is the last job planned for 2025 it is the one I am most looking forward to having complete. Let's see how this one plays out too.
Finish the back garden
The back garden still isn't complete however, as soon as the weather gets better this year we are getting out there and getting this back garden complete so we can enjoy plenty of evenings out there throughout the year. We need to paint all the woodwork, create the benches instead of the planters, get new lighting and find space for the hot tub we have acquired. I just know that once this area is done we are going to love sitting out with a fire lit and some nice drinks.
Complete the home office
There are a few finishing bits that need doing in the home office but the main goal is to have a change around to make the room more beneficial and easier to work in. The cozy vibe needs to be made better and a huge declutter needs to take place too as it has filled up very quickly. I just know that once this room is sorted I am going to be able to spend hours in there working away.
2025 is going to be the year when I start taking creating content a whole lot more serious as I have set myself some pretty big overall goals for the year, this is for all my sites and social media accounts so I am going to need to really knuckle down and get on with things. So here are the content goals I have set for myself...
Post to the TNG Instagram 3 times a week as a minimum
I have a pretty big goal for this Instagram in the long run so I know I need to start being consistent with posting much better quality content too. The goal is to post 3 times a week as a minimum with a mixture of reels, carousels and single image posts in the hope of seeing some growth but I guess only time will tell with this one.
Show up on Instagram stories
If I want to see the growth I am hoping for then I am going to need to show up on stories rather than ghosting them for weeks at a time like I have previously done. The goal is a few stories a day with little insights into my day and how content creating is going so again we shall see if this helps with creating some growth in the long run.
Post more on TikTok
There is a whole host of progress to be made growth wise with the use of TikTok so across the accounts I have I am hoping to post multiple times a week and see growth across all the accounts which I am hoping for. These TikToks will vary from what I post on Instagram in most cases just to mix things up a little bit and they may even feature some little mini series' for each account where we work on growing and upgrading different areas of life that fit with that account.
Post Monday to Friday on the TNG & TNG Games blogs
I am not messing around when it comes to the blogs in 2025 as I have plenty of ideas for the whole year that I am hoping to work on and publish rather than having extended breaks and neglecting the sites. Throughout the whole of 2025 I am planning on having a post on each of these sites every day Monday to Friday with only the weekends free from new posts. This just means I am going to need to nail a new routine that gives me enough time to get ahead of myself with the posts.
Buy new equipment to improve the quality of content
I mentioned earlier about saving up for new tech and well this is what it is all for... in 2025 I want to buy a new camera, some lighting and maybe a few other tech bits to help me upgrade the quality of the content on both the blogs and social media content. The tech will especially help with the social media accounts so let's see what we can purchase in 2025.
Start pitching to brands
Once I start to see a bit of growth on the sites and social media accounts I am going to step out of my comfort zone at long last and start pitching to brands. I have a list of brands I would love to work with so I am going to start being brave and reach out to them. I am expecting a fair few knock backs but I am hoping to start working with brands over the course of 2025 so fingers crossed.
TNG Media
Now I am thinking that I might do a full individual post about TNG Media and the plans I have for this in 2025 as I have a fair few plans in place for it as I want to see a lot of growth in what we do at TNG Media over the course of the year but for now here are some of the goals I have set for it...
Make a minimum of 10 sales in first quarter of the year
The first quarter of 2025 is going to be all about building up the brand for TNG Media so I am not expecting a huge amount of sales however, if we could hit 10 sales of physical products that would set the year off on a high for TNG Media.
Release 2 new products each month
As I say 2025 is going to be all about growth and slowly but surely we want to be releasing a variety of different products physically to start having the money to put back into growing the business so we can go in the big direction we want to head in but more on that another day. 2 products doesn't throw too much out there in one go which means it is manageable for us going forward too.
Do some fairs over the course of the year
With what we do physically for TNG Media there are plenty of craft fairs that we could look at attending throughout the course of the year. Even if we do one or two of these I will consider it a win and I will be planning what we could sell over at each fair as the time gets nearer to start signing up for them.
Be able to move into social media management
The big goal for TNG Media is to have the physical product side of things and then a social media management side of things. The social media management side of things is going to take a while to build on but I will be experimenting with my own social medias to show what we are capable of doing before reaching out to people locally before reaching out further afield. Again there are plenty of areas we want to cover with TNG Media and this is just one of them, we will do a full post on all this I think though in the future.
Be able to reduce my hours at my job to make TNG Media work
I would love to be able to reduce my hours at my job in 2025 to be able to dedicate time towards building TNG Media. Granted there is going to be a lot of late nights grinding away to be able to get to this stage but I am adding it as a goal for the year and it might be my most difficult goal for the year but the determination is there this year to get things up and running so let's see how it works out.
So there you have it, a bit of a longer post than normal but I just wanted to get all the goals out there to hold me accountable and as a bit of a reminder of exactly what I want to get out of the year. It is time now to get cracking though so I guess I am going to be busy for a while let's see just how many of these goals we can tick off by the end of the year.
See you soon